Dorm Life
In this category you can learn about interesting events and people at the dorm.
Head of dorm (Heimleiter)
If you want to apply for an apartment, please contact the Studentenwerk as these requests will not be answered or forwarded by the head of dorm.
The head of dorm (German: "Heimleiter") is your connection to the student services office and tries to make life in the dorm as attractive as possible. Should you have questions, wishes, suggestions or criticism, feel free to visit him or her in their room.
Currently head of dorm: Leo +49 178 9171581
Head of dorm mail:

- Sitting room / Study room
- Laundry mit 3 washing machines and 2 cloth driers. Using a washing machine costs 0.80 EUR. Using a dryer costs 0.50 EUR.